Human beings cannot live in these conditions forever. It cannot be that the world waits for Bangladesh to take control as they themselves are trying to manage the overwhelming poverty that already exists. The world cannot wait for Myanmar to repatriate because let’s be honest they will not return. And in watching CNN this morning—it seems many agree.
So where does the responsibility fall? I am not quite sure but the discussion on the news was that this could be a good task for the UN, creating a protected area of land wherein a whole separate economy and infrastructure can be built. The solution is still a long ways away and in the meantime the clinics I have visited and worked with are running out of medications and supplies as the number of Rohingya patients grow.
The OBAT helpers clinic, pictured above has had a “record breaking” number of patients every day. The clinic is deep in one of the camps, where volunteers are hiking back and forth daily to help. Their daily number of patients is increasing faster than supplies can be refreshed. This is one of the sites donations will be sent once the GOFUNDME campaign is closed.
As my trip comes to an end I wonder how I can continue to give back while back in the states: fundraising efforts, staying in contact to help with any educational needs, and spreading the word!
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