A few parting pictures and experiences...
So you may be wondering the same thing I am, what comes next? How do we ensure that the machine is used and that the learning continues ? On a micro level we are devising a distance learning curriculum that will include videos of me reviewing all the basic exams that were taught as well as videos of us teaching newer and advanced concepts. There will hopefully be an exchange of interesting cases and testimonials of how the use of the machine is helpful to maintain the interest in its use. And as time passes we shall have to formulate a more macro level idea to make this work without any of us at the helm...a truly sustainable project in that case.
Signing off from Bangladesh! As updates come in and progress happens I will certainly continue to document them as I have here--and again, thank you thank you thank you to ALL OF YOU! No person can achieve anything on their own--it happens as a result of a community, a village of people who are directly and indirectly a part of every step...I am a big fan of my particular village of friends and family as it is your support that pushed me forward especially on the days where I wasnt feeling well or thought for sure that THIS would be the mosquito bite that led to my demise!